Thursday, November 8, 2007

Is materialism the answer?

I wanted to use my blog to touch on a part of i discussion in which i never got to truly say what i meant although it is not completely related to design. We were discussing what careers we were interested in and what motivated our interest and the majority of people in our class responded that money was what motivated their career choice. I have to say that although this is completely an issue or personal beliefs and preferences, i vehemently disagree with the idea of money being the basis of your career decision. It is so materialistic, and saying that one should chose their career based on money is saying that money and material objects are the only things, or primary things that cause happiness. I think that saying this is a mistake, money is just an abstract object that is needed for day to day survival. The things that truly create happiness in life are the connections between people, the friendships and relationships that we develop over time. You should also be choosing your career in a similar way, is it an activity that makes you happy. I really want to find a career in which i will be happy and eager to go to work every day, but in which i also feel that i am making a difference. Money will be an added bonus. I do want to be able to provide for my family in the future but the key part of that is the idea of family. I want to be at home with my family not staying late at a job that i hate. I guess i feel that basing career choices solely on money is a mistake because it will lead to missed opportunities and that people who seek this will have trouble finding true happiness.

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