Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My mouse

I feel that the mouse that I use for my laptop computer is very well designed. It has a curve on the sides and indents for your fingers so that it naturally fits your hand. In order to use the mouse you simply plug a small control into a USB port. It works extremely well requires little attention. My favorite feature however is that the USB attachment can be easily transported because if fits and attaches to the mouse, into a slot that is under the actual mouse. It makes it easy to transport and it becomes the ideal mouse for a portable computer ie students laptops. Also it makes it near impossible to lose the USB attachment. I never think about it meaning that it works well and I never have any issues with it. It lights up slightly when the USB attachment is inserted and when the mouse moves on the screen I have all the feedback I need. It is one of the best designed products that I have come across in some time.

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