Thursday, October 4, 2007

Egg Dropping

My partner Ben and myself began our process but outlining what we could create based on the limited materials that we had. We established that we could using shoelace and a trash bag, create a simplistic parachute and that, using a shoe box and some packaging material create a container in which the egg would likely survive. After this we set about obtaining these materials by traveling to the dorm recycling bin. In which we found both packaging material and a shoe box. I then removed shoelaces from a pair of my shoes and asked an RA for an extra trash bag. We then assembled our rudimentary design by attaching the shoelace to the bag and the shoelace to the box. we then placed the packaging material in the box and put the egg in there. Then we sealed it shut with tape and taped the shoelaces to the box. All that was then left was the testing phase. Ben and I were somewhat confident in the design although apprehensive about the parachute. In the first test onto the soft landing the parachute functioned well and the egg survived giving us some satisfaction in our success. I was very depressed however, when I learned that an egg could easily survive the fall without any designed structure. I was much more encouraged after the second drop when the parachute functioned well and the egg survived a drop onto concrete. I was even more excited and surprised when the egg survived without the parachute. Any attempts after that were just for fun but I was very satisfied with my first design experience. I had a lot of fun and dropping eggs had never been more exciting.

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